Let's talk about getting naked! Naked in the shower, I mean. I tend to keep it sexy and simple with just a few products. Unlike what beauty brands would like you to believe, it doesn't actually take much to get your body clean!
You'd be hard pressed to find a store bought body product in my bathroom. The reason being that many mainstream brands have ingredients linked to cancer, birth defects, or endocrine disruptors. If you're worried you may be using a product like this, there are a variety of phone apps that allow you to scan the bar code of your products and find out the nasty secrets behind the ingredients. I personally like Skin Deep and Think Dirty which are free to download. Take a look at what you have in your bathroom right now and prioritize which ones to switch out first!
In addition, the plastic we have in our bathrooms is undeniable. From shampoo bottles to razors to toothbrushes to Q-tips, we have a lot of trash being used to "clean" our bodies while damaging the planet.
I personally don't find that sexy at all and it definitely doesn't leave my body or my conscious feeling clean. Instead, I use five simple items in the shower that I know will do the job right.
1. Soap
I love soap so much! There is still enough soap in my closet to last me another year and yet I can't help buying more! Soap is one of the easier product to find packaging free for your bathroom and since there are so many different kinds, you can pick out a scent just right for you! I personally love getting ones at my local farmers market.
Soap also acts as a great shaving cream. It's a myth that you need some sort of aerosol can filled with foam to make you shaver work. Just purchase a nice bar of soap and rub up! It does the job just fine.
2. Shampoo
J.R. Liggett's is my go-to shampoo bar. It does a wonderful job of keeping my hair nice and soft while actually lathering up like typical shampoo! I've also tried Lush bars that work well but don't give you the same bang for your buck. As a third option, I have a bottle I fill with bulk shampoo for guests to use or to take to the gym.
3. Conditioner
I don't use conditioner very often but when I do, I usually prefer to buy bulk liquid options at my health food store. Lush has conditioner bars but the one I tried didn't work for my hair type. Many people also find that adding a little bit of oil (like a drop of coconut oil) is enough to condition it as well.
4. Safety Razor
A safety razor may look scary at first but honestly, they are amazing and simple to use. By switching to a safety razor, I no longer have any of those nasty, disposable heads going in the trash each month. And as a benefit, it does an impressive job shaving - even the sensitive parts! If you want to read more about the techniques I use in shaving and which shaver I invested in, make sure to check out my step-by-step guide.
5. Body Scrub
I don't use body scrub every time I shower but it is really nice to use on your legs after shaving or to help get your feet nice and soft. My favorite scrub is made from coconut oil and used coffee grounds - try out the recipe yourself!
And that's my whole routine! No fancy serums or facial moisturizers. No need for disposable razors or aerosol cans. I step out of the shower feeling refreshed and happy, knowing I cleaned myself while helping keep the planet clean too.