
Sep 25, 20173 min

Recommended Products for your Cosmetic Routine

Have you been looking for alternatives to your cosmetic routine? This brief overview will give you a place to get started. If you want more detail on a certain item, follow my links to specific products or recipes. You can always email me for more information too! (Please note that although none of the mentioned brands have paid to be featured, some have sent me free samples to try. I only though recommend those that I truly love - sponsored or not!)

BLUSH - Try combining beet root powder with cornstarch to create a lighter or darker blush shade.

EYE BROW COLOR - If you already own an eye liner pencil, it works just as well on your brows! A little bit of cocoa powder (mixed with corn starch for a lighter shade) can be dusted on or mixed with aloe vera for more of a sculpting gel. Elate Cosmetics also makes an amazing brow balm too!

EYE LINER - A simple charcoal mascara can function duly as an eye liner. I also recommend natural eye liners from companies like Aveda or Elate Cosmetics.

EYE SHADOW - I don't ever wear eye shadow so I can't give a lot of specifics in this area. However many natural ingredients such as cocoa powder, beet root powder, or corn starch can be brushed along the eyelids to create an eye shadow effect. Additionally, Elate Cosmetics provides eye shadow in metal tins or you can search Etsy for homemade options!

FOUNDATION - A simple foundation can be made by combining a moisturizer with my setting powder recipe (cocoa powder and corn starch, with minerals added for subtle changes!). If you're looking for a more traditional foundation or a liquid version, I love RMS Beauty as well as Elate Cosmetics.

LIP BALM - Your lips will enjoy a very many combinations of lip balm! Try out my recipe or explore one of your own. Juniper Seed Mercantile also offers lip balm in compostable containers.

MAKE-UP REMOVER - Straight olive oil or almond oil can be used to remove make-up. Also check out my simple make-up remover recipe!

MAKE-UP REMOVER WIPES - Traditional make-up wipes or cotton balls can be replaced by a simple reusable facial rounds. I bought mine on Etsy - just make sure they are 100% cotton! Once used, place them in the wash with all your other clothes to clean.

MASCARA - Making mascara at home doesn't have to be hard - try using my favorite recipe! Kjaer Weis offers refills for their mascara. Aveda has a mascara recycling program. TwinkBeauty and KeepingItNatural sell theirs on Etsy!

MOISTURIZER - It doesn't take much to moisturize your face! I love using argan oil but you can find one that works for you like almond, coconut, shea, or avacado oil. Or you can mix and match a few to find a combination that works for your skin type.

NAIL POLISH - I have not discovered a good alternative to nail polish so I have stopped using it. If you want to continue use, check out this article to make sure you are buying a brand that is at least free of dangerous chemicals.

NAIL POLISH REMOVER - Removing polish without the traditional remover is a little tricky, but you can try out some of the following options: Soak your toes in white vinegar for 10-15 minutes; scrub your nails with toothpaste; use alcohol based products such as perfume or vodka as remover.

SETTING POWDER - A simple setting powder can be make by combining corn starch and cocoa powder to create the right skin color. Just dip in a brush and apply over your foundation!

TONER - Both witch hazel and apple cider vinegar work great, either combined or used by themselves!

You can also search the blog for "cosmetics" or "makeup" for more in-depth info on products and DIY recipes! Here is an article about cosmetic companies with recycling programs to get you thinking more about packaging!

#DIY #makeup #bathroom #cosmetics
